Yearly Archives: 2016



Something for people to start thinking about..


You and 10 other people have managed to get wireless access on your network.

everyone walks in the door for your android device to connect to wireless what happens next

is something no one really thinks about..  AUTO SYNC. suddenly the network is a buzz with

activity from mobile phones.

That doesn’t sound like a problem except all downloadupstream speeds are a fraction of download speeds except when the upload stream is maxed the download stream stops too.


If you must allow employees with mobile devices on your network,  ask them to turn off syncing while on your network.



I’ve seen a onecloud account virtually stop network activity except uploading thousands of images to the cloud at full speed.


Over the past few days I have been recovering from ransom ware at a clients.

The ransom ware managed to encrypt the host computer and the server shares both of them and

some misc shares throughout the network,  I don’t condone many network shares so the problem wan’t

completely devastated.  The Inventory system is written in VFP  (My best language)  about 30 tables were corrupted before I

killed the share on the server.  Then I found the PeachTree server share had been corrupted also :<

2 register shares were corrupted 1 we lost the data all together.

as far as the servers are concerned  ——- 100% RECOVERED  thanks to persistent backups (multiple per day)


So,  I have created a program that does nothing but monitor the inventory files, if any file becomes ‘NOT A TABLE’

the share will be shut down and data preserved except the table that triggered the problem.


today is 03/04/16 ,




Hard Drive Recovery

IMG_20160217_164535749I have recently created a laminar hood that I can open and service hard drives.  I have opened and successfully changed the heads on hard drives and have one waiting for a platter swap to a donor  hard drive with a good motor.  The heads have had extended contact with the platter due to a motor malfunction the results are a large swath of platters (all 4) with magnetic material scorn off. The bright line close to the hub and outer band about 1/4 inch on the outer rim (are BAD)


I removed the heads and replaced with donor heads I doubted would work after seeing the damage.





Wed Feb 17 17-35-38looking at the heads through a microscope showed that every platter has been damaged

My next rout is to change the platters to another good working motor.


Today I am making this site..

Layout mode
Predefined Skins
Custom Colors
Choose your skin color
Patterns Background
Images Background
Supportscreen tag